TY - JOUR AU - Choo, Ch’ng Hwei AU - Kwan, Mun Keong AU - Chan, Yin Wei Chris PY - 2018 TI - Surgical reduction technique (transpedicle) for unstable thoracolumbar burst fractures with retropulsion resulting in severe spinal canal stenosis: a preliminary case report JF - AME Case Reports; Vol 2 (July 2018): AME Case Reports Y2 - 2018 KW - N2 - Thoracolumbar burst fractures are common entity in polytraumatized patients. The retropulsed burst vertebral fracture may result in spinal canal invasion with or without neurological deficit. In this situation, early surgical stabilization with decompression is vital to restore neurological function. We employed a posterior approach with a unique transpedicular reduction technique at the level of fracture for decompression and stabilisation. UR - https://acr.amegroups.org/article/view/4557