Interviews with Outstanding Authors (2024)

Posted On 2024-05-27 09:24:42

In 2024, many ACR authors make outstanding contributions to our journal. Their articles published with us have received very well feedback in the field and stimulate a lot of discussions and new insights among the peers.

Hereby, we would like to highlight some of our outstanding authors who have been making immense efforts in their research fields, with a brief interview of their unique perspective and insightful view as authors.

Outstanding Authors (2024)

Kang Waye Hann, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia

Fumihiro Kashizaki, Yokohama Minami Kyosai Hospital, Japan

Sriharsha Dadana, Cheyenne Regional Medical Center, USA

Madonna E. Lee, Yale School of Medicine, USA

Alexa Lauinger, Carle Illinois College of Medicine, USA

Dimitrios Alexandris, Evaggelismos General Hospital, Greece

Waseem Jerjes, Hammersmith and Fulham Primary Care Network, UK

Motasem Salih, Salmaniya Medical Complex, Bahrain

Outstanding Author

Kang Waye Hann

Dr. Waye Hann Kang is currently a clinical endocrinologist and a clinical assistant professor at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman. He specializes in diabetes and general endocrinology and has special research interests in adrenal disorders and male hypogonadism. He is also involved in the onco-endocrinology care of patients in a local cancer hospital. A list of Dr. Kang’s publications can be found here.

A good academic paper, in Dr. Kang’s view, should be concise, unbiased and evidence-based, providing a clear and pragmatic perspective on a research question. In his field of work, he thinks a good academic paper should be able to improve clinical practice or generate new hypotheses in the field of research.

However, academic writing is not without challenges from Dr. Kang’s perspective. Academic writing is often not lucrative, resulting in dwindling interest among young clinicians. Generating research interests, employing vigorous research methods, keeping abreast of the most updated literature as well as writing a concise and unbiased paper requires a huge amount of time and dedication. To him, the endless process of trials and errors, defending one’s perspectives or accepting criticisms from peers and other experts, and revising one’s manuscript repeatedly is often frustrating but eventually satisfying.

Academic writing provides an excellent platform for knowledge sharing. It is fascinating to read up on new discoveries or ideas from other researchers, especially when it is helpful in improving one’s clinical practice. This also allows opportunities for idea sharing and research collaboration among researchers from different parts of the world,” says Dr. Kang.

(by Brad Li, Alisa Lu)

Fumihiro Kashizaki

Fumihiro Kashizaki works as a pneumologist at Yokohama Minami Kyosai Hospital, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan. With an extensive career spanning over two decades, he has garnered invaluable experience as a clinician within diverse community hospital environments, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of advanced lung cancer, severe asthma, and interstitial pneumonia. His daily pursuit centers around gathering as much pertinent information as possible concerning the clinical questions he encounters. It is his sincere aspiration to disseminate the invaluable insights acquired from his clinical experience to respiratory physicians and patients globally through the medium of academic papers. Concurrently, he is committed to ensuring the health and well-being of his family, as well as his cherished pet goldfish, loach, and shrimp. Learn more about Dr. Kashizaki here.

The key characteristics of a well-crafted academic paper, according to Dr. Kashizaki, include thorough research, clear methodology, rigorous analysis, and impactful conclusions. Ideally, the research should also prioritize safety, feasibility for clinicians, and cost-effectiveness. Additionally, effective communication of research findings through precise language and organized presentation is crucial to ensure accessibility and relevance to researchers and practitioners in the field.

In Dr. Kashizaki’s view, authors should prioritize clarity, consistency, relevance, originality, accuracy, completeness, ethical considerations, and accessibility in preparing their papers. Additionally, being receptive to feedback and constructive criticism during the peer-review process is crucial. By adhering to these principles, authors can enhance the clarity, completeness, and impact of their scholarly papers.

I am pleased to submit a scientific paper to ACR, a journal that provides valuable information to healthcare professionals and patients worldwide at a reasonable open access cost,” says Dr. Kashizaki.

(by Brad Li, Alisa Lu)

Sriharsha Dadana

Sriharsha Dadana currently serves at the Cheyenne Regional Medical Center. He is an internal medicine physician, physician advisor for utilization management and clinical documentation integrity, Vice Chair of the Department of Medicine and Associate Director of Hospital Medicine. He is currently working on a meta-analysis, “A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Evaluating the Association of High Sensitivity Troponin Levels with Outcomes in Patients with Stable Coronary Artery Disease” and on another project titled “Increased Body Mass Index is Associated with Higher Mortality and Major Adverse Cardiac Events in Patients with Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy on Long-term - A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis”. He also works as an associate editor/editorial board member of Clinical Cases Wiley and Journal of Medical Case Reports. Connect with Dr. Dadana on LinkedIn.

According to Dr. Dadana, some of the most common difficulties in academic writing include ensuring that the idea is being presented logically and coherently and that researchers are able to summarize the one take-home message that they wish for readers to achieve from reading the paper; identifying evidence gap in the literature and coming up with a research idea that helps bridge the gap; and not being bogged down by rejection and to persevere in what they are trying to communicate.

On selecting the appropriate evidence for synthesis and analysis, Dr. Dadana indicates that researchers must first make sure that the evidence they are obtaining is from credible “peer-reviewed” sources. There is a lot of misinformation on the internet, and figuring out credible sources is the key. They must also look at the timeliness of evidence. Papers that are decades old might not be relevant to current scenarios, so being thorough in the review of literature is essential. Last but not least, researchers should not accept anything at face value. They should be critical and review the limitations and biases that might be possible in the available literature.

From Dr. Dadana’s perspective, it is important for authors to disclose Conflict of Interest (COI). He explains, “I personally don't think it significantly influences at the level of case reports, but it can in other types of studies, especially when a researcher's financial, professional, or personal interests may unduly influence their work or the interpretation of their findings. Declaration of COI does not imply any wrongdoing or invalidate research findings but rather promotes transparency and integrity for both readers and authors.

(by Brad Li, Alisa Lu)

Madonna E. Lee

Madonna Lee, MD, FACS, is an assistant professor at Yale School of Medicine as a pediatric and adult congenital cardiac surgeon. She finished the congenital cardiac surgery fellowship at Seattle Children’s Hospital. She attended Michigan State University for medical school, Rutgers-Robert Wood Johnson New Brunswick for general surgery residency, and The Ohio State University for adult cardiothoracic surgery fellowship. She also spent her year of research during her residency working at the University of Pennsylvania Cardiovascular Lab, performing large animal studies. Her other academic interests include teaching/mentorship, quality improvement, and surgical outcomes. She is the medical student clerkship rotation director for the Division of Cardiac Surgery. She is an active member of the American College of Surgeons, the Society of Thoracic Surgeons, and the Women in Thoracic Surgery. She is excited to be a part of the Yale Children’s Hospital - Pediatric Heart Center team in New Haven, Connecticut. Learn more about Dr. Lee here.

The way Dr. Lee sees it, a strong academic paper is primarily rooted in sound scientific methodology. Every well-designed study can be prone to bias. It is up to the principal investigator to ensure that all considerations have been given to the study design to make the results interpretable and reliable. Then, these results must add new knowledge to the field. Each high-quality published paper increases value in the chain of discovery. She adds, “As clinicians and scientists, the most rewarding aspect is when we answer very interesting questions and are then able to share this information with others. With each well-written, impactful academic paper, the discussions should urge the scientific community to explore more questions and inspire curiosity.

The physical act of writing is what Dr. Lee considers probably the biggest challenge for academic physicians. She explains that finding dedicated time without being distracted to put words to the page is often tough. It takes discipline, diligence, and support. A well-written paper takes a lot of time, effort, and energy to construct and refine into a finished product that is suitable for submission. In her opinion, deadlines can be helpful. Some other strategies she recommends to those who want to write more include making a daily habit of writing, having a writing accountability group, or even taking a writing class.

The peer-review process is so important for researchers at any stage in their academic career. It is something that my mentors encouraged me to get involved in. When I served as a peer reviewer for several journals for articles specific to my specialty, these experiences and skills surprisingly made me a better writer and increased my scientific knowledge. And now, each time I receive comments on my manuscripts, I find each one to be so valuable. No matter what decision I receive for a paper, I am grateful if someone else in the academic community has taken the time to read and critique my work. The opinions are usually varied and insightful. Additionally, I find that in my responses to peer reviewer and editor comments throughout the revision and resubmission process, my revised paper is inevitably improved from my original submission. I hope that the community will continue to invest in skilled peer reviewers and understand that this is the part of the academic writing process that ensures excellent quality work,” says Dr. Lee.

(by Brad Li, Alisa Lu)

Alexa Lauinger

Alexa Lauinger is a third-year medical student at Carle Illinois College of Medicine with an interest in neurosurgery. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in biology at Caltech in 2020 and has previous experience working as a bioinformatician. Her research focuses on patient outcomes following traumatic injuries involving the brain and spine. Her goal in this field is to improve current understanding of how patient demographics and emergency treatment impact short- and long-term outcomes. She has also started to explore the relationship between imaging and disease progression in spinal pathologies. Using this understanding, she hopes to improve treatment and access to care in neurosurgery. Connect with Alexa on LinkedIn and Orcid.

In Alexa’s view, a summary of current knowledge regarding a topic, the results of one’s research, and how this influences the current field are all essential components of a good academic paper. To her, integrating these points together is what makes a successful paper that can easily explain to the audience why this research matters and the impact it has on current patient care. To aid in this goal, good papers should be concise without straying from the main points.

When preparing a paper, Alexa believes that the most important thing to keep in mind is how this influences the field: a new finding, evidence against an established theory, or support of previous research. Research is not useful unless in a vacuum, and it is essential to highlight the connections to previous work when completing a paper.

Collaboration, especially regarding data collection, is vital for the future of research, according to Alexa. She explains, “We have known for decades how limited data and participation can negatively impact results, but it was impossible to overcome this due to the barriers of sharing data. Now that many of these barriers have been removed with improved technology, it is our responsibility to collaborate with research data for the benefit of everyone.”

(by Brad Li, Alisa Lu)

Dimitrios Alexandris

Dimitrios Alexandris, MD, MSc, is currently a clinical associate of the oncology clinic of Evaggelismos General Hospital, Athens, and works in a private dermatologic clinic. He was a resident of internal medicine in 251 Air Force General Hospital, “Dafni” Psychiatric Hospital of Attica, General Hospital of Rethymno, and has worked as a rural doctor in the health center of Ag. Dimitrios in Euboea. Dr. Alexandris has scientific interests in drug-related adverse events, skin toxicities, and dermoscopy of various skin diseases. Currently, he has 7 articles published on PubMed. He has completed an MSc with honors “Neoplastic Disease in Humans: Research and Clinicopathologic Approach in the Context of Precision Medicine (Diagnosis and Targeted Treatment)” at the University of Athens. Additionally, he has another Master’s with honors in “Dermoscopy” at the University of Thessaloniki. His second master’s thesis was on the clinical, dermatoscopical, and histopathological characteristics of tumoral melanosis. Connect with Dr. Alexandris on Facebook.

In Dr. Alexandris’ opinion, authors require a diverse skill set to excel in their craft. Primarily, they need strong writing skills, encompassing language proficiency, grammar, and stylistic finesse. Secondly, discipline is crucial for authors to meet deadlines and persist through challenges to produce high-quality work. Finally, research abilities aid in crafting authentic papers while editing and revision refine their work.

To avoid biases in writing, Dr. Alexandris believes that authors should critically examine their own perspectives and assumptions, seeking diverse sources and viewpoints to inform their work. Additionally, engaging beta readers or editors from different backgrounds can provide valuable feedback and help identify and mitigate potential biases.

I love research in the field of dermatology, as it represents a dynamic pursuit aimed at unraveling the mysteries of skin health and disease. Through rigorous experimentation, clinical studies, and interdisciplinary collaboration, scientists and researchers strive to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of dermatological conditions, develop innovative diagnostic tools, and discover novel therapeutic interventions. It is unique to contribute to this ever-growing field and try to unravel many mysteries of the human skin,” says Dr. Alexandris.

(by Brad Li, Alisa Lu)

Waseem Jerjes

Waseem Jerjes, MBBS, MSc, MDres, PhD, MRCGP, is a medical professional with a diverse and comprehensive background in both clinical practice and academic research. His research themes are centered around optical diagnostics, mental health, and frailty. He has led numerous pre-clinical and clinical studies, particularly in the domain of head and neck optical technology, resulting in over 70 research-focused publications in one discipline. His work in optical technology has paved the way for advancements in non-invasive cancer detection and treatment. Additionally, his research extends into mental health and frailty, addressing critical issues in primary care. Currently, Dr. Jerjes serves as a GP Partner with a special interest in minor surgery, musculoskeletal medicine, and mental health at the Hammersmith and Fulham Partnership, London. He is also the Deputy Head of Research and Development at Hammersmith and Fulham Primary Care Network, where he focuses on strategic planning for clinical trials and research initiatives. He is also a senior researcher at Imperial College London.

The way Dr. Jerjes sees it, a good academic paper, at its core, is a confluence of originality, clarity, and rigor. Originality ensures the paper contributes novel insights or perspectives, pushing the boundaries of knowledge. Clarity in writing allows complex ideas to be understood easily, engaging readers with precise and coherent arguments. Rigor is reflected in meticulous research, robust methodologies, and sound analysis, underpinning the credibility of the findings. Furthermore, a compelling academic paper must weave a narrative that captivates, blending factual evidence with a persuasive voice that speaks to the significance of the research. He thinks it is about telling a story where every paragraph builds upon the last, leading the reader to a profound understanding or a new question. Finally, he points out that the paper should embody a critical spirit, not only challenging existing paradigms but also acknowledging limitations, thus inviting ongoing discourse. In essence, an exemplary academic paper is a harmonious blend of innovation, eloquence, and scholarly discipline.

In Dr. Jerjes’ opinion, adhering to reporting guidelines such as STROBE, PRISMA and CARE is paramount for authors crafting manuscripts. To him, these guidelines serve as the backbone of rigorous and transparent research dissemination. They ensure that studies are meticulously reported, enhancing reproducibility and credibility. By following these standards, authors contribute to a collective effort to elevate the quality of scientific literature, promoting integrity and trust within the research community. Furthermore, these guidelines streamline the review process, allowing peer reviewers to assess the work's validity more efficiently. For the audience, it provides clarity and comprehensiveness, ensuring that critical information is neither omitted nor obscured. In essence, adherence to these guidelines transforms a manuscript from a mere presentation of findings into a robust, reliable, and influential piece of scientific communication. Thus, their importance extends beyond mere compliance, embodying a commitment to excellence and ethical responsibility in research.

To all dedicated academic writers, your relentless pursuit of knowledge is the lifeblood of scientific progress. In the often solitary hours spent wrestling with data, crafting arguments, and refining prose, remember that you are not just contributing to a field of study but to the very foundation of future innovation. Your work has the power to inspire, challenge, and transform the world. Embrace the setbacks as they are the crucibles of resilience and growth. Celebrate the small victories, for they accumulate into monumental achievements. Keep your curiosity alive, and let your passion for discovery drive you forward. You are the torchbearers of enlightenment, and through your words, you illuminate the path for others to follow. In the grand tapestry of academia, every thread you weave strengthens the fabric of our collective understanding. Persist with purpose, knowing that your contributions are invaluable and your dedication profoundly impactful,” says Dr. Jerjes.

(by Brad Li, Alisa Lu)

Motasem Salih

Dr. Motasem Salih is a licensed general practitioner with 27 years of experience. He is currently employed at a private hospital in Bahrain. His area of interest lies in the surgical aspects of medicine, where research has consistently demonstrated its ability to enhance patient diagnosis and treatment. Recently, in collaboration with his team, he published a case report highlighting a rare postoperative complication associated with bariatric surgeries, specifically gastric bypass operations. This complication, known as candy-cane syndrome, poses significant diagnostic challenges. Connect with Dr. Salih on Instagram.

A high-quality academic paper, according to Dr. Salih, should make a novel contribution to the existing medical literature, adhere to the most recent guidelines and regulations of the target journal, maintain impartiality free from unethical influences, and present information in a clear, logical, and concise manner for readers’ comprehension.

In Dr. Salih’s professional opinion, one of the most significant challenges in academic writing is the inability of certain authors to effectively communicate their ideas. This can be attributed to either insufficient English writing proficiency or a lack of familiarity with the most recent publications relevant to their medical interests.

Engaging in the medical field and observing the interactions between doctors and your research papers can foster a sense of reciprocal knowledge exchange. This realization often leads to increased passion for one's career and research, as the strong connection between the two becomes evident,” says Dr. Salih.

(by Brad Li, Alisa Lu)